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Bolzano School Regulation for Christmas Processions, original and translation

Giulia Gabrielli

The original text of the regulation for the Bolzano parish school (1424) for the itinerary of Ansingen processions after Christmas, 1424 (Hasler’s Urbar, f. 135r-v: » E. Kap. Das Urbar der Bozner Pfarrkirche).

Item so hebt man an an sand Steffanstag nach dem
Cristag für sich nach der vespern zu singen an de(m) echaws
am platcz, da Vlreich Gredn(er) inne sitczt, das Hainreichs
am Ortt gewes(e)n ist, vnd singet ma(n) dyselbig(e)n contrat(e)n
gancz herab hincz an die new capell(e)n vnd schlecht
ma(n) vmb in die and(er)n contratt(e)n hinauffwerts zu sing(e)n
hyncz an das hawss Engleins noders, da latt man es
ansten auf denselbigen tag.

(Item one begins on St Stephen’s Day after Christmas to sing separately after Vespers[30] near the corner house on the Platz, inhabited by Ulreich Gredner, which used to be Hainreich’s am Ortt, and one sings this same lane all the way down until the New Chapel, then turning around in the other lane upwards, singing until the house of Englein Noder, where one leaves it for the present day.)

Item auff den and(er)n nachst(e)n tag für sich nach dem frona(m)bt
so hebt man an zu sing(e)n an Engeleins noders hawss
und also dy contratt(e)n gancz hinauff an platcz vnd an
derselb(e)n seitt(e)n gein Härtlein Schmid dy Schustergassen
gancz hinab hincz an des spitals schenckhawss, do schlecht
man über an d(er) Kälein oder Hanns Vintlers haws zu
singen vnd dy and(er) gassen in Schustergass(e)n hinaufwertz
an platcz vnd vo(m) platcz an derselbig(e)n seitt(e)n von des Rein(e)rs
schuesters hawss hinauswertz durch dy auss(er)n flaischpanck
für das tor hincz an den zoll vnd vom zoll an d(er)selbig(e)n seit(e)n
hereinwercz durch dy Flaischgassen wid(er) hincz an de(n) placz,
so schickt ma(n) zwen od(er) drei, dy die Rawschgass(e)n ansing(e)n
vnd die gassen an Sand Marteins pach hindurch hintz
genn parfuss(er)n. Indem so hebt man wider an zu sing(e)n
hinaufwertcz ge(n)n parfussen vnd also vom platcz
paid gassen zu singen hinaufwerts dy Hint(er)gassen
hinab hincz an das haws des Andres am zoll. Darnach
so hebt ma(n) an zu sing(e)n dy gassen aus, dy man haist
am ob(er)n grab(e)n, do der Rittn(er) vnd Sigmun(d) am Turn
inne sitczent, do beleibt es an dem andern tag.

(Item on the following second day, separately after High Mass, one begins to sing at Englein Noders house and thus the lane all the way up to the Platz and on the same side towards Härtlein Schmid the Cobbler’s lane all the way down until the hospital tavern, where one turns round to sing at the Kälein’s or Hanns Vintler’s house, taking the other Cobbler’s lane up again to the Platz, and from the Platz on the same side at Reiner Schuester’s house outwards through the exterior meat market before the town gate until the customs bar, and from the customs bar on the same side inwards again through Meat Lane again back to the Platz, where one sends two or three who sing in the Rauschgasse and the lanes along St Martin’s brook through to the Parfusser. Meanwhile, one begins again to sing from the Platz upwards towards the Parfusser, thus singing from Platz upwards both lanes; [then] the Hintergasse down until the house of Andres at the customs bar. After this, one begins to sing the rest of the lane called Am Obern Graben, where the Rittner and Sigmund am Turm are living, where the second day is completed.)

Item an dem dritten tag so hebt ma(n) an für sich nach dem
fronambt zusing(e)n inn Wang(er)gass(e)n an des Andres haws
am zoll pei Vintler tör vnd also paid gass(e)n mittainand(er)
herab hincz an das tor, do man gett ge(n)n der nid(er)n pad-
stub(e)n vnd von dem tor für Niderhawss dy gass(e)n durch
hintz gen(n) der pharr(e)n vnd darnach dy gassen abhin
do man gett in mairhoff vnd vom mairhoff singet
ma(n) dy paid gass(e)n an Eysagkprugkh(e)n vom Kerlein mag
man hincz an dy Plassemberg(e)rin herauf, darnach
singet man dy Newnstat aus vnd dy gass(e)n am vndt(e)rn
graben, desselbig(e)n tags für sich nach vesp(er)n singt ma(n)
im widu(m) vnd im Spital an.

(Item on the third day one begins, separately after High Mass, to sing in the Wangergasse at Andres’s house at the customs bar, next to the Vintlertor, and through both lanes together down until the gate, where one goes towards the Lower Bathhouse, and from the gate in front of Niderhawss the lane through until the parish, and from the the lane down where one comes to the Mairhoff, and from the Mairhoff one sings both lanes to the Eysagk [Isarco] bridge; from the Kerlein may one go up until the Plassenbergerin. After this one sings throughout the Newnstat and the lanes at the Unterer Graben; on the same day, separately after Vespers, one sings in the parish house and the hospital.

[30] The expression “für sich” is interpeted here as implying a “separate” action outside the liturgical context.